We're The Experts
Our Expertise

Tax Consulting

Trust Accounts

Company Structuring

Financial Planning

Trusted expertise for navigating your tax journey.

Let’s plan on maximizing your tax returns with customized strategies and expert advice tailored to your unique situation.

Form 1040

U.S. Individual Income Tax Return

Form 1041

U.S. Income Tax Returns for Estates and Trusts

Form 1120

U.S. Tax Returns Corporation

Form 1120S

U.S. Income Tax Return for S Corporations

Form 1065

U.S. Income Tax Return for Partnerships

Who We Are
Our Expertise
Gift Planning Strategies
Financial Planing
Tax Consulting
Income Tax Reduction strategies
Estate Tax Impact Reduction

After spending years as a Criminal Investigator for the IRS, I recognized the need for a tax firm that not only understood the intricacies of tax law and IRS audit procedures, but also took time to educate clients and gain their trust.

Devon Beamesderfer

Tax Planning Expert and Founder

What We Offer

Texas' Best Financial Management & Tax Solutions

At Live Oak Financial Management, we deliver the best in financial management and tax solutions across Texas. From reducing your income taxes to structuring businesses and planning estates, our personalized strategies are backed by expertise and a commitment to your success—guaranteed.

Income Tax Reduction Strategies

We specialize in crafting personalized income tax reduction strategies to help you keep more of your hard-earned money.

Gift Planning Strategies

Live Oak Financial Management offers tailored gift planning strategies to help you maximize the impact of your generosity.

Schedule a Consultation

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